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Student Resources

Curriculum Resources

While you are working on UrbanPlan, these videos will be helpful to you and your team. Explore what the city is looking for in your proposals, the five roles, and how to craft a vision statement. 

What the City Is Looking for

Yorktown RFP: What the city is looking for in your proposals.

UrbanPlan Roles

Learn about how to be a successful Environment & Equity Director when working on your UrbanPlan team. You will hear about how to balance working towards the EcoDistrict requirements, city sustainability goals, and incorporating key environmental and equity into your proposal.

Learn about how to be a successful Financial Analyst when working on your UrbanPlan team. You will hear about how to consider the profitability of the different building types and land uses as well as the tax revenue they might generate for the city. You will also learn about the incentives that the city is offering for your team to include various uses in your plan as well as the how to weigh the risk at play in a deal like this with the city’s goals and the team’s vision.

Learn about how to be a successful Neighborhood Liaison when working on your UrbanPlan team. You will review how to balance the requests of eight different stakeholder groups and how to consider those concerns when working with your team members. You will need to weigh the importance of each group against the city’s goals and your team’s vision.

Learn about how to be a successful Marketing Director when working on your UrbanPlan team. You will hear about how to balance bringing your team’s vision to life for prospective new tenants of Elmwood along with the new residents, office workers, and shoppers. You will also consider how much demand there is for each product type and the impacts of overbuilding.

Learn about how to be a successful Site Planner when working on your UrbanPlan team. You will hear about the importance of setting a clear vision statement, reflecting the vision in the physical site plan, thinking about the pedestrian experience and traffic flow, and considering adjacencies and views.

Vision Statement

Our Curriculum Committee published a curriculum update in 2020 to keep pace with real estate practices. To learn more about these changes, follow the link below.